Budget Parameters
- Budget by Spend: select ‘Budget by Spend’ and enter the total budget under ‘Lifetime Cost’. Pontiac will automatically fill the ‘Lifetime Impressions’, ‘Est. Daily Cost’ and ‘Est. Daily Imps’ fields based on the total cost and bid data. You can also enter a daily budget under ‘Est. Daily Cost’ and Pontiac will automatically fill the ‘Lifetime Cost’, ‘Lifetime Impressions’, and ‘Est. Daily Imps’ fields based on the daily cost and bid data.
- Budget by Impressions: select ‘Budget by Impressions’ and enter the total number of impressions desired. Pontiac will automatically fill the ‘Lifetime Cost’, ‘Est. Daily Cost’ and ‘Est. Daily Imps’ fields based on the number of impressions and bid data. You can also enter a daily impression budget under ‘Est. Daily Imps’ and Pontiac will automatically fill the ‘Lifetime Cost’, ‘Lifetime Impressions’, and ‘Est. Daily Cost’ fields based on the daily impressions and bid data.
- Dynamic Budget Multiplier: This is built in as a pacing function to ensure campaigns stay on target. It allows Pontiac to adjust the daily spend to either catch the campaign back up to perfect pacing, or slow down spend to keep the campaign from spending out too early. This will adjust daily.
- Budget Multiplier: If you do not utilize the dynamic budget multiplier, you can set your own budget multiplier that will pace out your campaign by multiplying your budget by this number. For example: a $100 budget with a 1.1 budget multiplier, the campaign will pace out to $110.
If you are measuring your success of billings via a DoubleClick third-party tag, we recommend using 1.05 or 1.1 as the multiplier. This means you will serve 1.05x or (1.1x) your goal to ensure that you cover the discrepancy against the third-party tag. - Soft Cap Budget: This function allows you to remove dynamic budget features to try to maintain stricter daily spend. The platform will attempt to spend the ‘Est Daily Cost’ each day, as opposed to spending to maintain pacing based on the lifetime budget. Actual spend may still exceed the soft cap budget and this function may not work if using ASAP pacing or targeting is too open.