Line Item Performance Metrics
Inside a Line Item, under ‘Performance’, you can see detailed metrics for the Line Item broken out by date. The metrics for the current date will be updated on a 3-hour delay, except for ‘IP Conversions’ and ‘Foot Traffic Attributed Visitors’. IP Conversions are updated each day for the previous day. Foot Traffic metrics are on a 3-5 day delay.
Imps: Impressions served on this date.
Clicks: The number of clicks that occurred on the impressions served this date.
PcConv: The number of post-click conversions that occurred on this date. A post-click conversion indicates a user that clicked on an ad served through Pontiac and then completed a transaction within the ‘post-click’ expiration window as defined during the configuration of the conversion pixel.
PvConvs: The number of post-view conversions that occurred on this date. A Post-View Conversion is generated by a user that viewed an ad served through Pontiac, and later completed a transaction within the ‘post-view’ expiration window as defined during the configuration of the conversion pixel.
Total Spend: Total dollar amount spent on this date.
CPA: The ‘cost-per-acquisition’ for this date. This metric is calculated by dividing the total spend by the total number of conversions (both post-view and post-click) and indicates the cost per conversion.
CPC: The ‘cost-per-click’ for this date. This metric is calculated by dividing the total spend by the total number of clicks on that date.
CTR: ‘Click through rate’, this is the number of clicks divided by number of impressions on this date.
VCTR: ‘viewable click through rate’, This is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the total number of VIEWABLE impressions for this date.
View Measured Imps: Number of impressions that are measured for viewability by the publisher on this date.
Viewed Imps: Number of impressions that were registered as viewable. This means that 50% of the Creative was viewable for at least 1 second. Edit the Line Targeting parameters to include a viewability threshold to improve viewability.
IP Convs: IP Conversions registered on this date. IP Conversions will not appear for the current date. These numbers are updated once a day for the previous day’s metrics. Read more about IP Conversions here: IP Conversion Pixel
Foot Traffic ‘Attributed Vistors’: Foot Traffic visitors registered on this date at one of the Foot Traffic addresses or geo-frames entered. Foot Traffic visits will be reported in UTC, regardless of the timezone for the account. Foot Traffic metrics are on a 3-5 day delay. In this field a ‘—’ will indicate that the data has not yet been processed, while a ‘0’ will indicate that the data has been processed, but there were no visitors for that day. Read more about Foot Traffic Reporting here: Foot Traffic Attribution