All Pontiac metrics and reports are displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Ads are served to users based on the time zone of their location and then reported in UTC. The User Time Offset can be pulled in log level reports to determine the time that the ad was served in the user’s time zone. To change your reporting time zone, go to the ‘Admin’ tab and select the ‘Seat Settings’ button. Under the ‘Preferences’ section select the desired time zone from the dropdown list. This will change the time zone for reporting and metrics in your seat, however it will not change the time zone for billing. Funds will be deducted from your seat balance in according to spend in UTC for the DSP platform and according to spend in EST for the DOOH platform.
Reporting Lag
Most metrics displayed in the Pontiac platform are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay. The only metrics available in Real Time can be seen by clicking into a Line Item, below the Line Item Flight Metrics. Here you will see a Real Time breakdown of impressions served in 15 minute increments, allowing you to verify that your Line is serving. If you require additional Real Time metrics, you can request these from your Account Manager.
Advertiser Level Metrics
Under the ‘Advertiser’ tab you will see a list of all of the ‘Active’ Advertisers in your seat with their associated quick metrics. To see ‘Inactive’ Advertisers filter status to ‘All’ or ‘Inactive’. These metrics are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay, except for the IP Convs which are updated once a day for the previous day.
Choose your ‘Reporting Interval’ and evaluate the following metrics at a glance: Lines: The number of lines under this Advertiser Imps: Impressions served during the selected Reporting Interval Total Spend: Dollar amount this Advertiser has spent across all Lines during the selected Reporting Interval Click: Number of clicks across all Lines during the selected Reporting Interval Convs: Number of conversions across all Lines during the selected Reporting Interval, this is a total of both post-view and post-click conversions. IP Convs: Number of conversions registered by the IP Conversion Pixel across all Lines during the selected Reporting Interval. IP Conversion data is not available for the ‘Today’ interval. This metric is updated once a day for the previous day.
Line Item Level Metrics
In the ‘Advertiser’ tab each Advertiser can be expanded by clicking the arrow on the far left next to the green or red box. This will display all of the Line Items under the Advertiser and their associated quick metrics. These metrics are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay, except for the IP Convs which are updated once a day for the previous day.
Choose your ‘Reporting Interval’ and evaluate the following metrics at a glance:
Budget Type: Either imps or spend. Daily Budget: This will display either the dollar amount or the number of impressions that the Line will attempt to spend each day. Total Budget: This will display either the dollar amount or the number of impressions that the Line will attempt to spend in the lifetime of the campaign. Start Date End Date Campaigns: The number of optimizations that has been made to the Line Item. Imps: Impressions served during the selected Reporting Interval. Total Spend: Dollar amount this Line has spent during the selected Reporting Interval. Clicks: Number of clicks this Line has received during the selected Reporting Interval. Convs: Number of conversions this Line has received during the selected Reporting Interval. This is a total of both post-view and post-click conversions. These are registered using the standard Conversion Pixel. CPM: Cost per 1,000 ads. CTR: Click through rate, this is the number of clicks divided by number of impressions during the selected Reporting Interval. CPC: Cost per click, this is the total spend divided by the number of clicks during the selected Reporting Interval. CPA: Cost per acquisition, this is the total spend divided by the number of conversions during the selected Reporting Interval. IP Convs: Number of IP conversions this Line has received during the selected Reporting Interval. These are registered using the IP Conversion Pixel. This metric is not available for the ‘Today’ time interval. IP Convs are updated once a day for the previous day.
Optimization Breakdowns
The platform outlines all optimizations made, including all of the details that the AI more heavily targets or stops targeting, the dates that each change is made, and the amount of your Line’s budget that is reallocated toward the change. Users can see exactly when optimizations were made, including budget reallocation and details about the exchanges, locations, sellers, and placements that the sub-line exclusively targets or block lists. Through this, we guarantee full transparency in addition to quality. These metrics are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay. Under the ‘Advertiser’ tab each Line Item can be expanded to display the optimization breakdown by clicking the arrow on the far left next to the green or red box. Choose your ‘Reporting Interval’ and evaluate the following metrics for each optimization: Opt Base: This is the starting point for the campaign. % Budget:For each optimization made to the campaign a % of the budget will be shown that is allocated to this change.
N1 is Geo: Specific region this campaign targets (State/Province)
N2 is Domain: URL Domain. The domain(s) that the specific optimization is targeting
N3 is Exchange: Which exchanges this optimization is looking to buy through
N4 is Placement: The placement ID of where the campaign will serve on the specific domain
Creative Metrics
By clicking on the name and opening the specific page for an Advertiser or Line Item you can see quick metrics for each Creative. Creatives with a red box are inactive and Creatives with a green check-mark are active. By evaluating metrics at the Creative level, you can make decisions and optimize your campaign to serve the Creatives with the best performance. For example, if one Creative accounts for 70% of impressions, but only 10% of clicks, overall campaign performance may improve if you remove this Creative. These metrics are useful for A/B testing of different Creatives and provide valuable insight into the effectiveness of a Creative. These metrics are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay. Choose your ‘Reporting Interval’ and evaluate the following metrics at a glance: Audit Status: The audit status of each Creative will be displayed with a symbol. Hovering over this symbol will display a text box with additional details as to the status of this Creative, a yellow triangle for ‘audit pending’, a green check box for ‘passed audit’, a green triangle for ‘marked as sensitive’ and a red box for ‘rejected’. For more info on the audit process see here: Creative Audit. Total Imps: Impressions this Creative has served during the selected Reporting Interval Total Spend: Dollar amount spent to serve this Creative during the selected Reporting Interval Total Clicks: The number of clicks this Creative has received during the selected Reporting Interval Total PcConvs: The number of post-click conversions this Creative has driven during the selected Reporting Interval Total PvConvs: The number of post-click conversions this Creative has driven during the selected Reporting Interval
Standard Conversion Pixel Metrics
By opening the specific page for an Advertiser or Line Item you can see quick metrics for your Conversion pixels. These metrics are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay. Choose your ‘Reporting Interval’ and evaluate the following metrics at a glance: Trigger Type: Depending on how the pixel was configured this will display whether this pixel is triggered by a view, a click or a hybrid of both. Total Loads: The number of times the pixel has been triggered in the selected Reporting Interval, this includes conversions that were not driven by Pontiac Total Convs: The number of conversions registered as a result of a Pontiac ad in the selected Reporting Interval Total PcConvs: The number of post-click conversions registered as a result of a Pontiac ad in the selected Reporting Interval Total PvConvs: The number of post-view conversions registered as a result of a Pontiac ad in the selected Reporting Interval
IP Conversion Pixel Metrics
At the Advertiser level, IP Conversion metrics will include conversions from ALL Line Items under this Advertiser, even if the pixel was not associated to the Line. If the pixel is associated to a Line Item, you can see metrics for that Line Item by opening the Line. Detailed reporting can be pulled in the Reporting tab under Custom Reports.
IP conversion pixels have a standard lookback of 30 days in the metrics under the Advertiser. This means that the user must complete the desired action within 30 days of seeing the ad for it to count as a conversion. If you would like to pull reporting with a custom lookback window, this can be done in Custom Reporting using the IP Conversion Custom Report. You can select from ‘5’, ‘7’, ’15’ or ’30’ day as the lookback.
Attributed Impressions: The number of impressions served by Pontiac campaigns to users that then converted. Total Convs: The number of conversions, or unique actions that were driven by this campaign. A conversion event will be defined according to the pixel placement. For example, if the pixel is placed on all web pages, a conversion event would equal a page visit. If the pixel is placed on the ‘Thank you’ page after a purchase, then a conversion event would equal a purchase. Total Loads: Total Loads will indicate the number of times the pixel has fired on the page, this is the number of users (not only those driven by Pontiac) that have visited the page in the selected time interval. If the pixel is showing 0 loads, this may indicate the pixel is not properly placed or firing correctly. Uniques: Uniques are the total number of unique visitors to the web page where the pixel is placed in the reporting interval selected.
To pull additional metrics or information from your IP Conversion Pixel, see here: IP Conversion Pixel Report
Audience Metrics
By clicking on the name and opening the specific page for an Advertiser you can see quick metrics for your First-Party Audience segments. These metrics are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay. Choose your ‘Reporting Interval’ and evaluate the following metrics at a glance: Type: ‘First Party’ indicates an Audience housed in the Pontiac platform, ‘Third-Party’ and ‘Onboarded’ indicate data from an external provider Total Loads: This is the number of times the Remarketing pixel has been triggered during the selected Reporting Interval. This indicates the number of times the page where the pixel is placed has been loaded/viewed. Avg Daily Uniques:This will display the average number of daily unique visitors to the page where the pixel is placed within the selected Reporting Interval. Avg New Users: This is the average number of visitors per day that were new visitors to the site in the last 30 days.
Line Item Flight Metrics
Upon clicking on and opening a Line Item you will see a section called ‘Flight Metrics’ above the configuration menu. This section will display metrics for the line from start date to ‘yesterday’, changing the Reporting Interval will not change these metrics. These metrics are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay.
Clicks: Number of clicks in the lifetime of the Line Budget Type: Either imps or spend depending on how the Line was configured Daily Budget: This will display either the dollar amount or the number of impressions that the Line will attempt to spend each day. This daily budget will incorporate your budget multiplier to estimate daily budget. Campaign Count: The number of optimizations that have been made to the line Pacing: This is the % of the Line’s budget that has been spent compared to the ideal pacing based on the set budget and flight dates. Ideally a Line should pace between 90-110%. For tips to improve pacing see here: Improving Pacing. Total Imps Served: The total number of impressions that the Line has served to date Spend: Total dollar amount the Line has spent to date View Measured Imps: Number of impressions that are measured for viewability by the publisher Viewable Imps: Number of impressions that were registered as viewable. This means that 50% of the Creative was viewable for at least 1 second. Edit the Line Targeting parameters to include a viewability threshold to improve viewability. Post Click Convs: The total number of post-click conversions driven by this Line to date Post View Convs: The total number of post-view conversions driven by this Line to date Last Opt Date: This is the date of the most recent optimization made to the Line Item Performance: This will display the performance of the Line Item in relation to the selected KPI. If you are optimizing to CTR, performance will display the lifetime CTR for the Line. If you are optimizing to CPA, performance will display the lifetime CPA in dollars
Real Time Delivery
The Real Time Delivery chart below the Line Item Flight Metrics displays impressions for the Line Item in Real Time. This chart breaks down delivery into 15 minute increments, allowing you monitor pacing throughout the day. (NOTE: This will only be available for Creatives uploaded AFTER Jan 25, 2021)
Line Item Performance Metrics
Inside a Line Item, under ‘Performance’, you can see detailed metrics for the Line Item broken out by date. The metrics for the current date will be updated on a 3-hour delay, except for ‘IP Conversions’ and ‘Foot Traffic Attributed Visitors’. IP Conversions are updated each day for the previous day. Foot Traffic metrics are on a 3-5 day delay.
Imps: Impressions served on this date. Clicks: The number of clicks that occurred on the impressions served this date. PcConv: The number of post-click conversions that occurred on this date. A post-click conversion indicates a user that clicked on an ad served through Pontiac and then completed a transaction within the ‘post-click’ expiration window as defined during the configuration of the conversion pixel. PvConvs: The number of post-view conversions that occurred on this date. A Post-View Conversion is generated by a user that viewed an ad served through Pontiac, and later completed a transaction within the ‘post-view’ expiration window as defined during the configuration of the conversion pixel. Total Spend: Total dollar amount spent on this date. CPA: The ‘cost-per-acquisition’ for this date. This metric is calculated by dividing the total spend by the total number of conversions (both post-view and post-click) and indicates the cost per conversion. CPC: The ‘cost-per-click’ for this date. This metric is calculated by dividing the total spend by the total number of clicks on that date. CTR: ‘Click through rate’, this is the number of clicks divided by number of impressions on this date. VCTR: ‘viewable click through rate’, This is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the total number of VIEWABLE impressions for this date. View Measured Imps: Number of impressions that are measured for viewability by the publisher on this date. Viewed Imps: Number of impressions that were registered as viewable. This means that 50% of the Creative was viewable for at least 1 second. Edit the Line Targeting parameters to include a viewability threshold to improve viewability. IP Convs: IP Conversions registered on this date. IP Conversions will not appear for the current date. These numbers are updated once a day for the previous day’s metrics. Read more about IP Conversions here: IP Conversion Pixel Foot Traffic ‘Attributed Vistors’: Foot Traffic visitors registered on this date at one of the Foot Traffic addresses or geo-frames entered. Foot Traffic visits will be reported in UTC, regardless of the timezone for the account. Foot Traffic metrics are on a 3-5 day delay. In this field a ‘—’ will indicate that the data has not yet been processed, while a ‘0’ will indicate that the data has been processed, but there were no visitors for that day. Read more about Foot Traffic Reporting here: Foot Traffic Attribution
Audio/Video Metrics
In the Line Item screen under the standard ‘Performance’ chart and metrics, there will be an additional section for Audio and Video Line Items with completion quartile metrics. These metrics are on a 3 hour delay.
Imps: Impressions served on this date. Clicks: The number of clicks that occurred on the impressions served this date. CTR: ‘Click through rate’, this is the number of clicks divided by number of impressions on this date. Total Conversions: The total number of post-view and post-click conversions registered on this date. These conversions are registered using the standard conversion pixel. Conversion Rate: Total Impressions divided by Total Conversions. Total Spend: Total dollar amount spent on this date. Spend per Complete: Total Spend divided by the number of 100% video or audio completions. This is the cost for each completion on this date. CPM: The cost per 1,000 impressions served on this date. 25% Complete: The number of users that viewed or listened to at least 25% of the ad on this date. 50% Complete: The number of users that viewed or listened to at least 50% of the ad on this date. 75% Complete: The number of users that viewed or listened to at least 70% of the ad on this date. 100% Complete: The number of users that viewed or listened to 100% of the ad, these are video or audio completions on this date. Skips: The number of users that skipped the ad on this date. Starts: The number of users that started viewing or listening to the ad on this date.
Pacing Report
The Pacing tab in the platform is a report designed to facilitate the management of many campaigns at once, making any potential issues easily identifiable at a glance. From pacing to performance, the Pacing report summarizes all key metrics for each Line Item in your seat. Check for a pulse on all your active campaigns, identify associated pixels that are not properly firing, and assess pacing issues for all your Advertisers in one consolidated report. This report is updated each day at 6 am EST.
Check the ‘In Range’ box and ‘Update’ to filter the Lines in the report to those with current dates.
In Range: Check this box and update the report to filter to show only the Line items with current dates.
Line Item Status: The status of the Line Item, red indicates inactive and green indicates active. A yellow triangle indicates an issue with the Line, hover over the symbol to read the warning message and address the issue. Potential issues may include:
Expired Audience Segments on the Line
Expired Deals on the Line
No Creative associated
Advertiser Status: The status of the Advertiser that the Line is under, red indicates inactive and green indicates active. An active Line under an inactive Advertiser will not be eligible to serve.
Daily Budget: The Daily Budget for the Line. If the Line is budgeted by impressions, this metric will display the daily budget in impressions. If the Line is budgeted by spend, this metric will display the daily budget in dollars with a $ sign. Note, this may change from day to day according to dynamic budget features employed and Line pacing.
Yesterday Spend: The total dollar amount spent the previous day.
Yesterday Imps: The total number of impressions served the previous day.
Daily Pacing: ((Total budget – less delivered to date)/# days remaining) / yesterday’s delivery.
This metric is intended to indicate whether the campaign is pacing to spend out the remaining budget if it continues with spend as seen the previous day.
Lifetime Pacing: Total spend to date/((Total budget/ lifetime flight days) x # active days to date)
This metric is intended to compare the current pacing of the Line to perfect pacing over the lifetime of the campaign.
Flight Dates: This will show the start date and end date for the Line Item.
CPM: This is the lifetime CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) in dollars for the Line from start date to ‘yesterday’.
CTR: This is the lifetime click through rate for the Line from start date to ‘yesterday’.
Conversions: This is the lifetime number of conversions driven by the Line from start date to ‘yesterday’.
Viewability: The overall % viewability for the Line, calculated as view confirmed impressions divided by impressions delivered. This is for the lifetime of the Line from start date to ‘yesterday’.
Pulse Today: This will flag a green check mark if the line was actively delivering impressions in the 24 hours prior to the report being updated. A yellow caution symbol will appear if the Line has not delivered any impressions in the 24 hours prior to the report being updated.
Remarketing Loads: If there is remarketing pixel associated to the Line as an Audience, this will flag a green check mark if the pixel has loads. A yellow caution symbol will appear if the pixel does not have loads. This is to indicate whether there may be issues with the pixel, if it does not have loads it may be incorrectly placed on the Advertiser’s website. The Line cannot serve to a Remarketing Audience with 0 loads.
Conversion Loads: If there is a standard conversion pixel associated to the Line, this will flag a green check mark if the pixel has loads. A yellow caution symbol will appear if the pixel does not have loads. This is to indicate whether there may be issues with the pixel, if it does not have loads it may be incorrectly placed on the Advertiser’s website. Note: this does not apply to IP Conversion pixels.
Reporting Dashboard Summary
The Pontiac Intelligence Reporting Dashboard allows you to evaluate a single Line Item, or all of the Line Items under an Advertiser across all important metrics for an interval of ‘today’, ‘yesterday’, ‘7 days’ or ‘30 days’ or ‘month to date’. In the ‘Reporting’ tab select the Advertiser, Line Item and Reporting Interval, then select ‘Update Reporting’. These metrics are updated hourly with a 3 hour delay.
The first graph in the summary allows you to select 2 metrics and view a breakdown for each day in the lifetime of a campaign or Advertiser. The ‘Volume by Hour (UTC)’ bar displays impressions on a scale from low volume in blue to high volume in red, displaying how impression volume and spend vary throughout the day. This information displays in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Below the volume by hour chart you can see top apps, top sites and top exchanges by volume of impressions. This summary also includes metrics for the top Creatives in your campaign for a quick comparison of impressions, clicks and spend. The last section of the summary is an interactive map shaded by volume of impressions. Hover over a spot on the map to see metrics for a state or country.
Creatives Reporting
This section will display a chart with the number of impressions for each Creative and a second metric of your choice- Total Clicks, Total Pc Conversions, Total Pv Conversions or Total Spend. Metrics can be displayed for each Creative by name, or you can group the Creatives by size, to easily compare performance across all of your Creatives. Below the chart, all of the data is available in a table that can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking the black down arrow next to the search bar.
Site Domain Reporting
This section will display a chart with the number of impressions on each site domain and a second metric of your choice- Total Clicks, Total Pc Conversions, Total Pv Conversions or Total Spend. Domain reporting can be used to determine high performing sites to create a new site list, or to identify and then anti-target inventory with low performance. Below the chart, all of the data is available in a table that can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking the black down arrow next to the search bar.
Exchange Reporting
This section will display a chart with the number of impressions bought through each Exchange and a second metric of your choice- Total Clicks, Total Pc Conversions, Total Pv Conversions or Total Spend. This section is valuable for making manual optimizations to your campaigns by evaluating the performance across each Exchange and removing the Exchanges with poor performance. Below the chart, all of the data is available in a table that can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking the black down arrow next to the search bar.
Device Type Reporting
This section will display a chart with the number of impressions by device type vs a second metric of your choice- Total Clicks, Total Pc Conversions, Total Pv Conversions or Total Spend. Below the chart, all of the data is available in a table that can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking the black down arrow next to the search bar.
Segment Performance
This section will display a chart with the number of impressions by Audience segment vs a second metric of your choice- Total Clicks, Total Pc Conversions, Total Pv Conversions or Total Spend. Below the chart, all of the data is available in a table that can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking the black down arrow next to the search bar. This provides insight into who your campaign is serving impressions to and which segments are converting.
Geo Region Reporting
This section can be shown as a map or as a graph. The map is only available for campaigns served in the United States and the Region will be by state. Metrics for regions in other countries will be shown in the table below the map. The graph will compare impressions by region vs a second metric of your choice – Total Clicks, Total Pc Conversions, Total Pv Conversions or Total Spend. Below the graph, all of the data is available in a table that can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking the black down arrow next to the search bar.
Geo Country Reporting
This section can be shown as a map or as a graph and will break-out impressions by country vs a second metric of your choice – Total Clicks, Total Pc Conversions, Total Pv Conversions or Total Spend. Below the graph, all of the data is available in a table that can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking the black down arrow next to the search bar.
Latitude/Longitude Reporting
This section will pin the exact location of each impression on a map. Click on the pin to see the exact latitude and longitude where the impression was served.
Custom Reporting Overview
Custom reports can be scheduled for automatic delivery at daily, weekly, or monthly intervals, to either by Email, FTP or S3. Choose between a basic custom report, a conversion report, video & audio events report, lifetime/billing report, age and gender report, reach and frequency report or an IP conversion pixel report. Once you have selected the desired dimensions and metrics, click save and allow the platform a few minutes to generate the report. This report will appear under the Custom Reporting dropdown for download, or for automated reports, will be sent to your email, FTP, or S3 bucket. The Lifetime/Billing report will match the metrics in the platform for spend and is the basis for billing. Daily spend in this report will match the amount charged to the account each day. All other custom reports are compiled using incremental data and may show slight variances in total spend.
These reports allow you to customize all the dimensions and metrics you wish to evaluate, but are limited to 500,000 rows for the downloadable excel file. Automated custom reports delivered via email, FTP, S3 or Google Cloud storage are limited to 10,000,000 rows. If your report exceeds the maximum number of returnable records, there will be a yellow caution symbol next to the name of the report with an error stating that the data is incomplete. The report will still run and will return the first 500,000 rows, but the data will not be complete for the selected dates & parameters. If you need to receive additional data, you can reach out through the Help Center, separate the report into multiple reports, or limit the dimensions selected to decrease the number of rows.
Custom Reports will remain downloadable in the platform for 30 days. Expired reports must be ‘Rerun’ at a later date, however and it is possible that certain data points will no longer be available.
Custom Report Delivery by S3
Setting up Pontiac Scheduled reports delivery in AWS S3 requires:
A) Creating a bucket in AWS S3
B) Setting up the report in Pontiac
These are the steps to create a sample report:
A) Creating a bucket in AWS S3 to receive Pontiac scheduled reports:
In AWS S3 click Create Bucket
Chose a bucket name that is available and the desired AWS Region.
Change Object Ownership to ACLs enabled.
Uncheck Block all public access field and check “I acknowledge that the current settings might result in this bucket and the objects within becoming public”.
Click Create bucket.
Navigate to the newly created bucket and click Create folder with the output path that we chose in Pontiac (“output-path”). Confirm to create the folder.
B) Setting up the report in Pontiac
Go to Reporting tab and then click New Custom Report.
Check the box for Schedule Automated Report and fill out the desired details in the Custom Report tab like Advertiser ID, start and end date and select the desired metrics and dimensions.
Go to Scheduled Reports tab and check Deliver by S3 box.
In the expandable section fill out the Bucket field with the AWS S3 Bucket name. Example: S3-test-bucket.
Fill out the Path field with a desired output path location and file name (To include the date macro use dateInt (YYYYMMDD) like xxx/filename-%dateInt% otherwise your file will be overwritten each day). Example: output-path/Pontiac-reports.csv or output-path/Pontiac-reports-%dateInt%.csv
Click View security policy and copy the full text area.
Go to Amazon AWS S3 and modify permissions for the bucket we chose earlier. In the Permissions tab click Edit and paste the policy text from earlier and Save.
Back in Pontiac reports screen click Verify and wait for a successful confirmation message.
Basic Custom Reports
The Basic Custom Report allows you to choose from any of the following Dimensions and Metrics to create a detailed customized report that meets your needs. Dimensions:
Creative ID
Creative Size
Zip Code
Operating System
Site Domain
Device Type
Device MAke
Device Model
Deal ID
App ID
App Name
Post-Click Conversions
Post-View Conversions
View Measured Impressions
View Confirmed Impressions
If Region/State is selected for countries outside of the United States, the report will return a numerical code that corresponds to the Region/State. Use this Region Mapping doc to map the numerical code to the Region/State where the impression was served: Region Mapping
Conversions Report
A conversion report is great for Advertisers looking to track conversions and attributed revenue. If the query string macros for ‘Order Id’ and ‘Revenue’ were added at the time the conversion pixel was generated, this report can be used to view this information. Dimensions:
Order Id (client populated)
Post-Click Revenue
Post-View Revenue
Post-Click Conversions
Post-View Conversions
Video & Audio Events Report
For campaigns running video ads, the video events report provides detailed metrics for percent completion. Choose from the Dimensions and Metrics listed below to customize your report.
Line Item ID
Creative ID
Player Size
Site Domain
Deal ID
Video Context
Supply Type
Video Started
Had Error
Hit 25 Percent
Hit 50 Percent
Hit 75 Percent
Lifetime/Billing Report
The lifetime report will display the dimensions and metrics of your choosing for the lifetime of an Advertiser and Line Item. This report is the basis for Pontiac Billing and will match the amount charged to the account each day as ‘daily spend’. Dimensions:
Advertiser Name
Line Name
Creative Id (Creative reporting is only available going back to 12/11/2019)
Creative Name (Creative reporting is only available going back to 12/11/2019)
Hour of day (Hourly reporting is only available going back to 6/18/2020)
Post-Click Conversions
Post-View Conversions
View Measured Impressions
View Confirmed Impressions
Age & Gender Report
The Age and Gender Custom Report will provide a demographic breakdown across age and gender as a percentage of impressions served. Dimensions:
IP Conversion Pixel Reports
This report can be used to pull detailed metrics from the IP Conversion Pixel, including the dates when the conversions took place and the dates when the impressions were served to those users. There are three types of reports that can be pulled from IP Conversion Pixel data, the ‘Path to Conversion’ report, the ‘Conversion Only’ report and the ‘Conversion Rate’ report.
Path to Conversion Report
The ‘Path to Conversion’ report provides data on the IP conversions registered as well as on the impressions served through Pontiac campaigns to those users that converted. This report can be utilized to see the entire pathway to conversion from each impression the user viewed to the action they completed on your website.
The column ‘imp_time’ will indicate when the impression was served through Pontiac to a user that visited or converted on the site where the pixel is placed. The total number of ‘imp_times’ indicates the number of impressions that were served to users that then converted, this will correspond to the ‘Attributed Imps’ field in the IP Conversion Pixel metrics under the Advertiser.
The ‘conv_time’ column will indicate the time the action or conversion took place on the site. The total number of unique ‘conv_times’ is the total number of unique conversions or visits that were driven by your campaign. This will correspond to the ‘Total Convs’ field in the IP Conversion Pixel metrics under the Advertiser.
IP conversion pixels have a standard lookback of 30 days in the metrics that are displayed under the Advertiser. This means that the user must complete the desired action within 30 days of seeing the ad for it to count as a conversion. If you would like to pull reporting with a custom lookback window, this can be done in this report. Select from ‘5’, ‘7’, ’15’ or ’30’ from the ‘Lookback window’ dropdown .
Report Dimensions:
Pontiac pixel Id
Conversion time
Imp Time
IP Address
Zip Code
Site Domain
Auction id
User id
Device Type
Creative Id
Order ID*
Order Value*
*(work with your web developer to dynamically pass these values on IP pixel)
Page Visits Report
The ‘Page visits’ report will only provide data on ALL page visits or loads for this pixel. ‘Visit Time’ indicates the time of the page visit. This is not a Conversion event attributed to your campaign, it is total page visits independent of media served.
Report Dimensions:
Pontiac pixel Id
Page visit – A page visit registered by the IP pixel. This is independent of media served and is not attributed to Pontiac campaigns.
IP Address
Zip Code
Date (yyyyMMdd)
Date (M/d/yyyy)
Conversion Rate Report
Analyze conversion rate day over day to track the effectiveness of your ads with the ‘Conversion Rate Report’. To calculate conversion rate for each day, divide ‘Conversions’ by ‘Imps’.
Report Dimensions:
Unique site visitors
Pixel Id
Line Id
Reach/Frequency Report
The Reach/Frequency report is designed to provide data on the number of unique users that were reached by a campaign. Select the Advertiser, Line Item/s, and date range, then run the report to view the following metrics:
Unique User IDs
Unique Device IDs
Unique IP Addresses
Impressions served
Full Domain Report
For Web campaigns running Banner, Ad server tag banner or HTML5 creatives, the full domain custom report can be used for insight into the full URL pathway where ads were served. This report provides full transparency on the exact article of your ad placements including the following metrics & dimensions:
Site Domain
Full Domain
Zip Code
Post-Click Conversions
Post-View Conversions (View-Thru)
Note: full URL may not be reported for all impressions
Ad Server & Tracker (3p Pixel) Discrepancies
It is very common to see discrepancies in reporting between Pontiac and a Third-Party Provider, whether it be through Creative Tags or Third-Party Pixels (trackers). The following steps to investigate and troubleshoot a discrepancy:
Double-check that the time timezone in the Pontiac report matches the timezone in the third-party report. The Pontiac default timezone is UTC, but you can verify the timezone for your seat in the ‘Admin’ tab under ‘Seat Settings’.
Verify that the reports you’re comparing contain data from the same date range.
Make sure you know how each ad server counts the activity you’re comparing (impressions or clicks). Pontiac counts an impression when the creative is rendered. For video ads, an impression takes place when the first frame of the video is loaded. If the third-party counts their impressions differently (for example, when a third-party imp tracker loads on the page) the numbers are not directly comparable.
Verify that the objects for which you’re pulling data (for example a Line Item, Creative, or Advertiser) are specified and match in both reports.
Apply different reporting dimensions to see if you can isolate the discrepancy to a specific object such as a creative, exchange, or domain.
If you are able to isolate the discrepancy to a Creative, there may be an issue in the Creative implementation. Verify with your ad server the Macro placement and the proper implementation of the tag/tracker.
If you are able to isolate the discrepancy to an exchange or domain, it would be recommended to either remove the exchange or block the domain if possible.
Calculate the discrepancy percentage using the formula (1 – (Pontiac Report/3rd Party Report)) x 100. If the discrepancy is less than 10% (15% for mobile), it’s considered expected variation.
Google Analytics Discrepancies
It is common to see discrepancies when comparing Pontiac metrics to Google Analytics. This could occur for any of the following reasons:
Impression, Click & Conversion Discrepancies:
Post View Activity: Google Analytics does not report any POST VIEW activity. Everything in Google Analytics is click based traffic.
UTC: All Pontiac metrics are displayed in UTC. If you do not pull reporting from third-party sources in UTC, the metrics will differ.
Pixel Load Discrepancies:
Firefox and Safari: pixels no longer work (they disallowed third-party pixels).
Bounce Rate: pixels take a second to load and will not fire for people who bounce. The higher the bounce rate the bigger the discrepancy will be. To fix this, place the pixel in the header and use the domain
Improving Bounce Rate These are the recommended steps to decrease bounce rate and improve the quality of traffic:
Focus on Desktop traffic. Mobile In-App and Mobile Web tend to have higher bounce rates.
Try targeting only the Google AdExchange.
Add creative macros to your UTM source to run a report in Google Analytics and determine which sources of inventory have had the highest bounce rate. This will help to determine which exchanges are providing highest quality inventory, and which are contributing most to the bounce rate. First, add this to your URL: UTM_Medium=${SELLER_MEMBER_ID}The Click URL should look like:${SELLER_MEMBER_ID}Then you can run a report by Medium in Google Analytics to view bounce rate by Exchange, and remove the exchanges that are contributing most to the bounce rate. You will also need to use the mapping provided in Pontiac to know which SELLER_MEMBER_ID correlates with the Pontiac Exchange ID. See the Seller Id Mapping here: Pontiac_Seller_ID_Mapping For additional information on UTM Code implementation see here: UTM Code Implementation