Viewing DOOH Venue Details
When searching on the map for specific venues, you can click on the pin for a certain location to view additional details for this inventory. Clicking on the pin will open a window with the location’s address, the required creative size, the publisher and the venue name and type.
- Average Daily Impressions: The estimated average number of individuals per day who will view an ad displayed on this venue’s screen. This metric is provided by Vistar and is estimated through a combination of mobile data and other location-based tactics to triangulate the number of individuals exposed.
- Bid Price: The recommended CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) to serve an ad on this screen. This is a price floor provided by the publisher and will be the minimum bid required to win inventory on this screen.
- Impressions per Spot: The estimated average number of individuals who will view an ad displayed on this venue’s screen during a 15 second spot. This metric is provided by Vistar and is estimated through a combination of mobile data and other location-based tactics to triangulate the number of individuals exposed.