Custom Interest Categories
The ability to create custom interest categories for Audience Discovery reports. Custom interest categories can be created from a set of example articles related to the content, by creating a Contextual AI audience in the ‘DSP’ section of the platform. For example, here is a Contextual AI audience recently made about Chianti Wine.
The following articles related to the product were entered to ‘define’ the interest category:
The Pontiac Contextual AI tool found 7,362 related articles, including the following examples:
These custom Contextual AI audiences will now appear under ‘Custom’ in the Audience Discovery report builder as an interest category. Selecting this interest category will create a report of the zip codes that have higher than average viewership on the sites from the audience. In this case, the report provides insights into the zip codes that are reading more about Chianti wine than other zip codes across the U.S. This data can be exported into a targetable audience that can be used on campaigns of all media types.